API Documentation

Simple. RESTful. Anonymous.


How to use your API Key for authentication

To authenticate your API requests, you need to include your API Key in the request headers. All our API endpoints require authentication using the API Key.

Your API Key should be set in the request header under the key 'x-api-key'. Below is a quick example of how to set the header:

// For a GET request using fetch in JavaScript
fetch('https://api.proxiesapi.io/v2/endpoint', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key.

Proxy APIs

Receive a new, verified proxy for any use-case

Get a new, checked proxy
Optional query parameters:
  • format - json, csv, txt - the desired response format (default: json)
  • protocol - http, socks4, or socks5 - filter proxies to only those to this protocol
  • port - integer - filter based on proxies on a specific port
  • country - string - filter based on geolocation of proxy
  • getSupport - true or false - filter based on support for making GET requests
  • postSupport - true or false - filter based on support for making POST requests
  • cookiesSupport - true or false - filter based on support for passing cookies
  • refererSupport - true of false - filter based on support for passing the referer header
  • userAgentSupport - true or false - filter based on support for passing the useragent header
  • httpsSupport - true or false - filter based on support for https requests
  • isAnonymous - true or false - filter based on if proxy is anonymous or not
  • supportedWebsites - string or list - filter based on support for desired website (ebay, Amazon, Bing, Craigslist, Github, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, Twitter, Yandex, Youtube)
  • speed - integer - minimum desired speed in kb/s
  • lastChecked - integer - seconds since last checked via ProxiesAPI
GET https://api.proxiesapi.io/v2/{API_KEY}/proxy
    "country": "US",
    "cookiesSupport": true,
    "curl": "socks5://",
    "getSupport": true,
    "httpsSupport": true,
    "ipAddress": "",
    "ipPort": "",
    "isAnonymous": true,
    "lastCheckedTimeStamp": "2017-03-04T01:25:22.577640",
    "port": 6789,
    "postSupport": true,
    "protocol": "socks5",
    "supportedWebsites": {
        "bing.com": true,
        "craigslist.org": true,
        "pinterest.com": true,
        "reddit.com": true,
        "instagram.com": true,
        "youtube.com": true,
        "google.com": true,
        "yandex.com": true,
        "twitter.com": true,
        "amazon.com": false,
        "facebook.com": true,
        "github.com": true,
        "ebay.com": true,
        "linkedin.com": true
    "refererSupport": true,
    "speed": 3145.737,
    "userAgentSupport": true
Get list of countries proxies are currently available for
GET https://api.proxiesapi.io/v2/proxy/countries
Get list of ports proxies are currently available for
GET https://api.proxiesapi.io/v2/proxy/ports

Proxy Checker APIs

Check any proxy instantly

Check the provided proxy for staus, country, and functionality support
Required query parameters:
  • proxy - string - the proxy's ip address to check
GET https://api.proxiesapi.io/v2/check-proxy?proxy={IP_ADDRESS}
  "ipAddress": "",
  "port": "8080",
  "type": "socks4",
  "isAnonymous": true,
  "country": "PH"
  "ipAddress": "",
  "port": "8080",
  "rejected": true

UserAgent APIs

Request a random UserAgent from our growing database

Get a random useragent
Optional query parameters:
  • format - json, csv, txt - the desired response format (default: json)
  • lifeLike - true of false - returned useragent is based on statistics of real-life usage
  • browserName - string - filter based on the browser's name
  • browserVersion - decimal, string - filter based on the browser's version
  • platformType - desktop, tablet, mobile - filter based on platform's type
  • platformName - string - filter based on the platform's name
  • platformVersion - string - filter based on the platform's version
GET https://api.proxiesapi.io/v2/{API_KEY}/useragent
    "browser": {
        "name": "Firefox",
        "version": "21.0.0"
    "platform": {
        "name": "Windows",
        "type": "Desktop",
        "version": "Windows NT 6.2"
    "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64; rv:21.0.0) Gecko/20121011 Firefox/21.0.0"
Get list of browsers useragents are currently available for
GET https://api.proxiesapi.io/v2/useragent/browsers
    "version": "0.7",
    "name": "Camino"
    "version": "0.8",
    "name": "Camino"
    "version": "0.8.1",
    "name": "Camino"
    "version": "0.8.4",
    "name": "Camino"
Get list of platforms useragents are currently available for
GET https://api.proxiesapi.io/v2/useragent/platforms
    "version": "2.2",
    "type": "Mobile",
    "name": "Android"
    "version": "2",
    "type": "Mobile",
    "name": "Apple iPhone"
    "version": "3",
    "type": "Mobile",
    "name": "Apple iPhone"
    "version": "4",
    "type": "Mobile",
    "name": "Apple iPhone"